

personal development program for girls from small towns who know that the world is big and full of opportunities

Briefly about the program

"Girls should never be afraid to be smart."

- Emma Watson

"Everything you do makes a difference, so decide what kind of change you want to make."

- Jane Goodall

Our program will help you discover how to build a life beyond your imagination.

Create your vision and plan on how to acquire the necessary skills to have:

an inspiring and lucrative career,

harmonious relations with others and

healthy well-being.

We invite you to join the program:

♡ girls aged 15 - 25 with completed primary education, living in villages or towns with a population of up to 40 thousand people

♡ highly motivated to develop their skills and thinking

♡ with the opportunity to be actively involved in all phases of the program

What does the program include?

Intensive online training

Participate in 12 intensive online sessions with exercises and discussions to explore key directions for development

Online environment for sharing and sharing

You join the Facebook group of the community of participants, organizers and mentors in the program

Meetings with mentors selected especially for you

You get the opportunity to meet women experts in the fields that interest you

Участие в международен летен лагер

След завършване на онлайн обучението можеш да участваш в нашите Еразъм+ международни програми през 2023г.

What do the participants in the first edition of Gergina share?

Kristina Mincheva, 21, Saraya village, Pazardzhik

Each meeting taught me many things. I feel richer and more confident. Now I believe more in my abilities and I know that even if I have serious obstacles in my way, I will overcome them, thanks to this course. I am fascinated by the ambition of the girls involved in Gergina, and I am glad that there are so many young and enthusiastic people. One of the most important things I will take is contact with everyone.

Ioana Genkova, 18, Gorna Oryahovitsa

„Гергина“ ни предостави въпросите, с които да опознаем себе си. Липсата на напрежение от това да споделяш отговорите на всеки от въпросите, позволява да бъдем искрени със себе си и наистина да разберем какво се случва в нас. Бих препоръчала обучението на абсолютно всеки, тъй като резултатите са налице – чувствам се спокойна, планирам си по-добре времето и съм вдъхновена да продължа напред към целите си.

Vasilena Encheva, 16 The village of Nikyup

I learned a lot from this online training, but the most useful for me are the lessons, "How to organize our time?", "How to deal with people we don't get along with?" And "How to overcome the limited idea of myself?". I recommend it because girls who are my age would find it very useful, because the information and help that you have given us very rarely, we could meet.

Gergina Online Training


The training addresses some of the most important aspects of personal development by answering the following questions:

♡ How do I know what I can be successful at?

♡ How can I develop in the direction of good income in the field that interests me?

♡ How can I create goals from my dreams that I can achieve?

♡ How to learn such popular "habits of successful people"?

♡ How do I recognize which job is good for me?

♡ What is the key to resolving conflicts with people?

♡ How do make wiser decisions?

♡ How to be an emotionally intelligent woman?

♡ How to grow out of my problems?

♡ How to overcome the limited idea of myself?

These topics will be addressed through the presentation of fundamental principles, interactive exercises, and discussions.

Necessary materials
  • Computer with internet (desktop computer, laptop, or smartphone)
  • Stable and strong internet connection (preferably with cable or wi-fi from a router; relying on cellular internet on a mobile is not desirable)
  • Headphones with microphone (or handsfree)
  • Video camera
  • Diary for keeping notes and exercises, pen
Calendar of meetings

Онлайн обучението се състои от 9 онлайн срещи с продължителност от 2 астрономически часа при следния график:

17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 декември 2022г. – от 12-14ч.

7, 8 януари 2023г. – от 12-14ч.

Международен летен лагер

Кратко описание

Нашите международни летни лагери, финансирани с подкрепата на програма Еразъм+, са 7-дневни преживявания, които развиват уменията на нашите участници чрез групови игри, симулации и дискусии, съместни проекти и творчество. Те развиват уменията за междукултурна и чуждоезикова комуникация и предоставят възможността за запознаване и изграждане на приятелства с млади хора от различни държави и култури.

Dates and venue

Участничките в „Гергина“ ще получат информация и ще могат да си изберат в коя от предстоящите през 2023г. летни международни програми, които организираме, да се включат. Програмите се провеждат в с. Друган, общ. Радомир.

The Gergina team

Eliza Pankova
Организатор и обучител

Елица е специалист по лична емоционална грижа за пълноценно личностно развитие. Тя с лекота и ведрина превежда клиентите си през процеси на емоционална трансформация. Преди седем години създава „Искам Промяна – Школа за трансформация към здраве, мир и реализация”. В регулярни групови и индивидуални срещи тя споделя инструменти за освобождаване от стрес и разрешаване на конфликти, за лична организация на времето и финансово управление, за творческо предприемачество и пътища за реализация на уникалния потенциал във всеки от нас. Тя ни разбира така, както никой друг не успява, и ни помага да осъществим нашите искрени мечти. Без значение какъв опит и проблеми сте имали досега в живота си, Ели ще ви помогне да откриете своя уникален потенциал и път към реализация.

Maggie Nazer

Маги започва кариерата си като социален предприемач още в трети клас, когато организира благоторителни кампании за болно момче от квартала си. Тя е основателка и изпълнителен директор на фондация „Солидарност в действие“, създателка на Център за учене, споделяне и обмен с база за настаняване в с. Друган, има издадена книга и специално умение да събира на едно място особено специални и талантливи хора. Представлявала е България като младежки делегат на многобройни световни форуми и е пътувала в 35+ държави. През 2017г. Маги завършва с отличиe Middlebury college (САЩ), където учи четири години на пълна стипендия. Предстои й да завърши магистратура „История на жените и половете“ в Софийски университет.

The program is dedicated to

Gergina Toncheva

Our development program pays tribute to an admirable woman with an outstanding contribution to Bulgarian education and culture, whose earthly journey begins in the small Pleven village of Sadovets.

Who is Gergina Toncheva?

Gergina Toncheva was born on December 25, 1932, in the village of Sadovets, Pleven region. He died on July 11, 2020, in Sofia. She is the awakener, founder, and thirty-year-old director of the National High School of Ancient Languages and Cultures.

Winner of numerous awards and distinctions, including:

Honorary Award of the "Vivarium Novum" Academy in Rome

Order "Stara Planina" I degree (2003)

Award "Prof. Marko Semov "- for a bright presence in the spiritual life of the nation (2010)

Honorary badge with a blue ribbon of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2012)

Award for contribution to the capital's education

Honorary Citizen of Sofia (2018)

What connects us to her?

Gergina Toncheva is the founder and longtime director of NGDEK "St. Constantine Cyril the Philosopher". This is the high school graduated by Maggie Nazer (founder and executive director of the Solidarity in Action Foundation), Denitsa Stoycheva (member of the foundation's board), and Ilina Stefanova (coordinator of the SazVukovo volunteer project and other art initiatives).

For the first time Magi, Denitsa, and Ilina meet Gergina Toncheva at the exams for applying to NGDEK, where the director remains a lasting memory with her unique and unadulterated kindness, care, and interest in girls. In the eighth grade, Mrs. Toncheva teaches the subject Lyuboslovie, in which she tenderly builds the respect, alertness, and aesthetic sense of the students to the Bulgarian language and various topics of human existence. 

In 9th grade, Maggie and Denitsa share with Ms. Toncheva the idea of creating a student volunteer association at NGDEK, which the principal willingly welcomes and supports. 

Гергина Тончева осигурява стипендия за Маги Назер да участва в учебните практики на НГДЕК в Турция и Гърция. За Маги, която идва от семейство в неравностойно положение, това е първо пътуване в чужбина – възможност, която широко разтваря нейните хоризонти и запалва искрата на нейния пътешественически и откривателски дух, които по-късно я отвеждат да участва и организира многобройни програми за междукултурен обмен, да учи в САЩ, както и да изследва себе си, различните култури и измерения на човешкото в повече от 35 държави. 

Gergina Toncheva's role in building girls as young leaders, researchers, and awake souls is huge.

What do participants in our previous programs share?

Thanks to Maggie and Ellie, who gave me the opportunity to join the international program "Awake, Aware, Active", which took place during the summer in the village of Drugan. It was a great experience. I met a lot of new people, learned a lot about the foreign culture and way of life of the people around the world, and made new friends. Together with them, we created many memories that are invaluable to me personally. These were the greatest days of this summer.

I will participate in the personal development program "Gergina" with great enthusiasm! I hope to meet again young, ambitious, and very aware people who want to develop and want to get out of their comfort zone. I can't wait to meet and have fun together!

Ventsislava Slavkova, 17, Drugan village

I have participated in two programs of the foundation. The first was the language camp Immersion Academy 2019, and the second – was the youth exchange Storytelling for Social Justice 2021. My impressions of the foundation are very good - the leaders are dedicated, smiling, positive, and sincere, the atmosphere is nice and I always like the food. As for people - they are unique and there is always something to learn from them. Every day we learn interesting things through different activities, touch on all kinds of topics and enrich each other.

When I am in the village of Drugan, I am often impressed by the extent to which the positive and supportive atmosphere gives us, the participants, the opportunity to develop in the right direction. I also appreciate that during the day we have free time and spend it as we wish.

Selin Ali, 17, Buhovo

I was part of the Immersion Academy 2019, the volunteer project "Faces of Drugan" and the publication of an ethnographic book with interviews with elderly residents of the village of Drugan, as well as in an international exchange for young writers in 2021. Every experience organized by the Foundation "SolidarityWorks" team is exceptional.

It is amazing how by meeting new people you learn more about yourself and your uniqueness. All activities carried out in the village create a completely natural and liberating atmosphere. You can't help but feel close to everyone there and not feel like you've known them for years.

Ivana Pozharsk, 18, Vidritsa village

Apply now!

Участничките в настоящото трето издание на „Гергина“ ще бъдат избрани въз основа на тяхната мотивация без дискриминация спрямо тяхната етническа, религиозна, расова или друга принадлежност.

Краен срок за кандидатстване: до запълване на наличните места, най-късно до 15 декември 2022г.

Всички кандидатствали ще бъдат уведомени за статуса на тяхната кандидатура по имейл до 2 работни дни след попълване на формуляра за кандидатстване.
